Unit 4: Water, Glaciation, and Mass Wasting

Topics and Learning Outcomes


After reading this unit and completing the assigned readings in Physical Geology and the associated exercises and questions, you should be able to:

4-1 Surface Water and Groundwater

  1. Explain the hydrological cycle.

  2. Describe the flow of surface water and the origins of flooding.

  3. Discuss the concepts of porosity and permeability; and explain aquifers, aquitards, and confining layers.

  4. Describe the connections between surface water and groundwater, and the factors that control the flow of groundwater.

  5. Discuss our use of groundwater and the risks of groundwater contamination.

  6. Be aware of the origins of the water that you use, and the risks to that supply.

4-2 Glaciation

  1. Discuss the timing and extent of past glaciations on Earth.

  2. Explain the accumulation of snow and ice, and the movement of glaciers.

  3. Describe the effects of glacial erosion in both alpine and continental settings.

  4. Describe the various deposits of glaciers.

4-3 Mass Wasting

  1. Explain the factors that can contribute to slope instability, and the events that can trigger a slope failure.

  2. Describe the various different types of slope failure in terms of the materials involved and the type of motion.

  3. Discuss some of the steps we can take to reduce our risks from mass wasting.


Read Chapters 13 to 16 in Physical Geology.